Saturday, April 22, 2017
The 5K will begin at 9 am
Silent Auction & Raffle
We invite you to participate in our On-Campus Raffle and Online Silent Auction. Over 100 items are available between the two events and all proceeds support The Trinity Fund. Check out all the wonderful items up for auction.
Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern is proud to present the 17th Annual Second Empire 5K Classic.
The race will benefit Trinity Academy whose vision is to shape future generations with culture transforming, Christian worldview thinking.
Location: Trinity Academy (map)
Want to help out? Volunteer to help!
We’re offering something new this year – the ability to sponsor a runner! Go online and donate to a good cause and encourage your friends and loved ones.
Get regular updates on twitter and Facebook.
Race Day Schedule
- 7:00 am – Registration and Packet Pickup Begins in Founders Hall on the Trinity Academy campus
- 9:00 am – 5K Race
- 10:00 am – One Mile Fun Run
- 10:20 am – Kids’ Dash
- 10:30 am – Awards Ceremony
- 11:00 am – Trinity Academy Spring Fling featuring food, inflatables, games, raffle, auction and fun for the entire family
- Trinity Academy
- 10224 Baileywick Road, Raleigh, NC 27613 (map)
Second Empire 5K Classic
- Course is 5000 meters and is USAT&F certified
- Is an out and back course
- Runners will start on the track behind Trinity Academy and exit
the campus on a wooded trail to Baileywick Road - Cross Bailywick Road and head down Wildwood Links
- Left on Hawtree Drive
- Left on Gleneagles Drive to the turn around and back to Trinity Academy
- Splits will be called at the one-mile, half way and two-mile marks
1-Mile Fun Run
- The 1-Mile Fun Run will begin at 10:00 am.
- Will take place on the Trinity track and campus
Kids’ Dash
- This 100-yard run is for 6 year olds and younger. It will occur at 10:20 am on the Trinity football field.
- Each finisher will receive a medal
Medals will be given to all finishers, however, no official times will be recorded. Runners will have a digital clock at the Finish Line to get their times.

Entry Fees
- $25 through April 8th (includes shirt)
- $30 April 9th through April 21st
- $35 on Race Day (April 22rd)
- Note: After April 8th, we will do our best to provide all entries a shirt, but cannot guarantee it.
1-Mile Fun Run
- $15 through April 8th (includes shirt)
- $20 from April 9th up to and including Race Day (April 22nd)
- Note: After April 8th, we will do our best to provide all entries a shirt, but cannot guarantee it.
Kids’ Dash
- $5 (includes shirt)
- Note: After April 8th, we will do our best to provide all entries a shirt, but cannot guarantee it.

Packet Pickup
Pre-registered runners can pick up packets at the following locations and times. Late entrants can also register during these times:
- Thursday, April 20st at Inside-Out Sports in North Raleigh located at 8111-124 Creedmoor Road from 5-7 pm.
- Friday, April 21st at Trinity Academy located at 10224 Baileywick Road in North Raleigh from 1-6 pm.
- Race Day registration will begin at 7 am on Saturday, April 22nd and also pre-registered entrants may pick up their packets beginning at that time.
5K Awards
- Gift certificates to Second Empire Restaurant and Tavern in the amount of $100, $75, and $50 to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-place male and female finishers
Special custom glassware awards and Gift Cards from Inside-Out Sports will also be presented to:
- First three master finishers of each sex
- First three finishers in each of the following age groups: (both sexes)
12-under, 13-19, 20-24,25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, and 80 and over
- No bicycles, rollers skates, or in-line skates
- No headphones or running with dogs
Race Results
- Race results will be posted at the race on race day
- All performances will count toward state records and national rankings
- All 5K finishers will automatically be entered into the Second Empire Grand Prix Series.
- For more information, please call Jim Young at 919-873-1207
We are always grateful to have such generous sponsors for the Second Empire 5k Classic.
Trinity Academy
The race will benefit Trinity Academy.
Nestled within a wooded 38-acre campus, Trinity Academy is bustling with 380 students (TK – 12th grade). Trinity integrates authentic Christianity with rigorous academics. We focus on the classical arts and sciences and offer a full array of high-quality, competitive athletics and award-winning fine arts. Trinity rivals the best schools in the region, boasting 100% college-acceptance and generous per-student college scholarship offers.
At Trinity, we begin with the end in view, asking “what skills, what knowledge, what virtues, what experiences must our graduates possess?†We then craft a “top-down, 12 to TK†curriculum. We use methods and materials that have stood the test of time. Our approach to education doesn’t work because it is classical. It is classical because it works.
Perhaps as important as our approach to academics is our approach to student spiritual formation. At Trinity, we believe students should be given the opportunity to wrestle with, test and even doubt their faith in ways that ultimately prove their faith.
College should not be the first time our students hear a salient challenge to their beliefs. Therefore, we offer students a safe place to work through their questions, doubts and fears, while surrounded by godly mentors who care about them and their relationship with Christ. Our approach is this: “We don’t tell our students what to think. We teach them how to think.â€
Second Empire Grand Prix Series
The Second Empire 5K Classic is the 5th race in the Second Empire Series.
Born from the Second Empire 5K Classic, the Grand-Prix is the inspiration of Raleigh entrepreneurs Kim Reynolds and husband Rod Garnas, along with Inside-Out Sports owner Cid Cardoso, Jr.
In its fifteenth year, the Grand-Prix provides a fun way for competitive and non-competitive runners to give back to the community. Individual races pool a small portion of their operational funds along with Grand-Prix sponsors to cover series expenses.
The combined effort has provided races with increased visibility and attendance while decreasing operational costs. This savings can directly translate to larger proceeds going to the benefiting charities.
See more details on the Second Empire 2017 Grand Prix Series webpage.
Child Care by Camp Trinity
Camp Trinity is proud to be a sponsor of the Second Empire 5K Classic. As a piece of our sponsorship, Camp Trinity will be providing childcare for children of race participants at no cost to the runners. Your children can have a great camp-like experience with low ropes challenge courses and camp games while you run in the 5K race. The camp childcare program will be open from 8:00 am – 11:00 am on April 22nd.
Thank you for choosing Camp Trinity for childcare during the Second Empire 5K Classic. Your child will be well cared for by our professional staff members. He or she is welcome to stay with us until 11 am or you may come at any time before then to pick them up to run in the 5K race at 9 am, the One Mile Fun Run at 10 am or the Kid’s Dash at 10:20 am. Please know that in order for them to run in these races, you will need to personally pick them up and take them to the appropriate race.
The Camp Trinity staff will be available until 11:00 am giving you time to mingle with friends after the 5K race and even accept your award should you win your age group.
We hope you and your children will stay on campus and enjoy our Trinity Academy Spring Fling beginning at 11:00 am. It will be a fun-filled afternoon including inflatables, games, food, and much more!!!!
Please call Kim Reynolds at 919-868-8171 with any questions.
Register here for the child care!

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We continue to have fun every year, here are some pictures from the 2015 race:
And some from the 2014 race.